Tuesday 1 January 2013

C.E.P.D Questions


Questions for Transition Point One:

1.  At this stage, which aspect(s) of teaching do you find most interesting and rewarding?
•  What has led to your interest in these areas?
•  How would you like to develop these interests?

2.  As you approach the award of QTS, what do you consider to be your main strengths and achievements as a teacher?
•  Why do you think this?
•  Give examples of your achievements in these areas.

3.  In which aspects of teaching would you value further experience?
• Are there aspects of teaching about which you feel less confident, or where you have had limited opportunities to gain experience?
• Do you have areas of particular strength or interest that you would like to build on further?
• Which of these areas do you particularly hope to develop during your induction period?

4.  Do you have any thoughts about how you would like to see your career develop?
• As you look ahead to your career in teaching, do you have longer-term professional aspirations and goals?
Check – how well have you:

  • reflected on your broader experience and the relevant skills and expertise you have developed?
  •  thought about why you are motivated towards particular aspects of teaching?
  • identified why you want to explore some areas of teaching further?

Questions for Transition Point Two:

1 At the moment, what do you consider to be your most important professional development priorities during your induction period? Why are these issues the most important for you at this time? In thinking about this consider:
– your responses at transition point 1; 
– the post in which you are starting your induction period;
– any feedback you have already had from your induction tutor or other colleagues; 
– your self review against the QTS and induction standards. 

2 How have your priorities changed since transition point 1? 
– the pupils you will be teaching: for example, their attainment levels; the proportion of pupils who are gifted and talented or who have special educational needs; the number of pupils who speak English as an additional language,
–  the context of the school: for example, its phase, size, geographical area, organisation, the subject(s) and year group(s) you will be teaching,
– the courses and schemes of work you will be using,
– the resources to which you will have access to support pupils’ learning,
– responsibilities you will be taking on,
– your career plan. 

3 How would you prioritise your needs across your induction period?
- What do you feel should be the short-term, medium-term or long-term priorities?
- For example, are there any new needs and what is your reasoning for prioritising in areas 
for development related to: this way? 

4 What preparation, support or development opportunities do you feel would help you move forward with these priorities? 
- Newly qualified teachers should not normally be required to teach subjects and/or age ranges outside their trained specialisms without the provision of additional support. 
- Newly qualified teachers should not normally be asked to take on additional non teaching responsibilities without the provision of additional support.

Questions for Transition Point Three

1. Thinking back over your induction period, what do you feel have been your most significant achievements as an NQT?
• What have been your key learning moments?
• What prompted your learning on these occasions?
• Which aspects of your induction support programme have you particularly valued, and why?

2. How have you built on the strengths you identified at the end of your initial teacher training?
• What evidence is there of your progress in these areas?

3. When you look back over your induction action plans and your
records of review meetings, which objectives do you feel have
been achieved and why?
• Are there any areas where you are less satisfied with your progress?
• Why is this?
• What further actions will you take in these areas?
• What further preparation or support do you feel you will need?

4. Have any of the objectives, aspirations and goals that you outlined at transition points 1 and 2 not been addressed during your induction period?
• How could you take these forward into the next stage of your career?

5. Thinking ahead to the class(es) you will teach and the responsibilities you will be taking on next year, what do you feel are the priorities for your professional development over the next two or three years? 

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