Thursday 7 March 2013

World Book Day

We celebrated World Book Day a week early by dressing up as our favourite book characters. This allowed us to go to Hinckley Library in our school uniform on actually World Book Day. We spent two hours walking to the library, reading a story and then choosing a book to take out. Children who didn't have a library card were given forms to take home to their parents to encourage them. The library staff also discussed several exciting opportunities that would go on over the Easter holidays. We walked together (two classes) with six adults supporting the children (ratio is 1:6 in year 3, and 1:10/15 in year 4). The children knew how they were expected to walk, and met these expectations by walking sensibly in a double-file line, crossing the road quickly and sensibly as required. Several children were able to comment on areas they remembered from the Hinckley trip last week. The children's behaviour both in the library and during the walks was very good and they were a credit to the school. 

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