Thursday 7 March 2013

Year Three Staff Meetings Spring Term A

Year Three met weekly to discuss areas of concern, planning and organisation of the curriculum. This is intended as a brief record of what was discussed, more detailed notes are kept in a separate (hard-copy) folder. Year Three/Four Meetings were also held to discuss things that concerned LKS2.

15 January 2013 - Year 3/4 Meeting
- Hallway displays
- class progress
- adult presence in cloakroom @ morning time
- pupil behaviour walking around school.

16 January 2013 - Year 3 Meeting
- Data - B squared - progress
- NFER / Maths test Spring term B
- Hallway display - where in the world is Hinckley?
- Trips: walk around Hinckley
- BM - increase SEAL

23 January 2013 - Year 3 Meeting
- Ofsted
- NFER testing
- Math sets
- Planning - Hinckley Topic
- DT - Hinckely Socks

6 Febuary 2013 - Year 3 Meeting
- Yr 3/4 Meeting Thurs 1pm onward
- Behaviour support coming in to see us
- BM strategies
- Topic / curriculum after half term
- Maths day
- Science is solids and liquids.

8 Febuary 2013 - Year 3/4 Meeting (not present - teaching class)
- Maths - both years do old QCA test
- Topic Walks - Year 3 to Hinckley
- Literacy - World Book Week
- Topic - leaflets/persuasion texts about area

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