Wednesday 2 January 2013

C.E.P.D: Transition Point Two

C.E.P.D. Transition Point Two

Having gained a temporary part time (0.4) contract at Westfield Junior School, I feel my priorities towards my induction have changed significantly since Transition Point One. The main reasons for this are that I am teaching above the age range I specifically trained for,  the fact I am only teaching part-time, and the changes made to the teaching standards by the government.  

Before addressing these priorities, I shall first give a short context of the school and class which I will be teaching. Westfield Junior School is a mixed school catering for approximately 250 pupils between 7-11. It also provides specialist provision for twenty pupils with moderate learning difficulties. The proportion of pupils from ethnic minorities, pupils with EAL, and those eligible for FSM are all below average. The proportion of pupils with a statement for special educational needs is above average. The school was judged as satisfactory by Ofsted in September 2009 and as such another inspection is imminent. Year Three has been split into three classes. My particular class has 21 children of which there are 5 girls and 16 boys. 11 of these pupils are eligible for FSM, whilst an additional 3 are registered on the school action/school action plus register. Most pupils are attaining below average in Literacy and Numeracy but are making steady progress, which is recorded using B squared. Numeracy is set across the year group, of which my set is currently attaining between 1b - 2b. 

Westfield follow Collins New Primary Maths as a Numeracy Scheme. Other aspects of the National Curriculum are left for the teacher to devise planning. As an individual I have access to Hamilton Planning, Phonics Play and tes iboard. As part of my responsibility within the wider school context I have offered to help run the school council with my job share, within which we will start a debate society.

Within the immediate future I have identified three areas in which I would like to improve. Firstly, given the nature of the class I would like to expand my range of Behaviour Management Techniques allowing me to support each pupil within the class, whilst minimising disruption and allowing others to focus on learning. Secondly, I would like to work on my lesson pace and expectations of the children for each lesson. I feel that having worked mainly within FS previously, my pace is currently a little slow, particularly during the first part of the lesson, whilst I also tend to expect to much from the children within each lesson in terms of their progression and workload. Finally I would like to learn more about levelling and assessing children against APP/B Squared as I have not had the opportunity to do this within my PGCE year.

Some other professional development priorities include establishing myself within the school and class as a teacher, and to work towards teaching "good" lessons in preparation for Ofsted. Whilst I realise as an NQT I will not be judged directly under Ofsted, I feel (as during my PGCE) this will be an excellent opportunity to experience an inspection and contribute to the team during this time. Within my class I will have two T.A's on a regular basis, one experienced T.A who has worked with the class since the start of the year, and another who will start working the class in January.

I would still be interested on developing my skills in the outdoor learning sector, and would be interested to see the relevance of a Forest School Approach in Key Stage Two, particularly for those children with behaviour difficulties. In the longer term I would consider combining this interest with a Masters Degree in Outdoor Education.

During my time at Westfield, I will be mentored by the deputy head. In addition, I have also been offered the opportunity to work within the same class as a TA. As there are currently no jobs, and I am unable to work as a supply teacher (see why here), I feel this is an excellent opportunity to observe an experienced teacher, as well as being offered the option to team teach, and teach independently with instant feedback on these days, enabling me to develop professionally in a year group with which I am unfamiliar.  I feel there are several courses which could help me develop  professionally.

CPD Courses
Tuesday 21 May - Wednesday 22 May: Getting Behaviour Right: NUT: Free
Friday 1 March (Eve) - Sunday 3 March: New Qualified Workshop: NUT: Free

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