Tuesday 29 January 2013

Numeracy Intervention

Intervention Group: A reflection

The intervention group has been running for three weeks now, and has been very successful. Not only are the main lessons able to continue with less disruption and a faster rate, but the children within the intervention are consolidating some basic maths skills and gaining a greater understanding of these concepts. Learning objectives are taken from the Collins Numeracy Plans (in line with whole-class learning, and to cover gaps in children's knowledge identified using b squared ) A lot of the work is practical based, so were possible we take pictures or record a short message in their books to keep a record of what they have done. As a result of this group we have started another group to run tues-fri with another three students. This group keeps pace with the main group in terms of Learning Objectives but has more support from an adult. 

29 / 01 / 13 
Today we looked at creating repeating patterns using three colours.

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