Wednesday 20 February 2013

Mini School Trip

As part of our topic work (Where in the world is Hinckley?) we (the Year Three team) have planned to take the children on a walk around the local area to consolidate the knowledge and skills the pupils have acquired during lesson time.

As part of planning for this trip I took on the responsibility of writing a letter to inform parents: 

Dear Parent/Carer

As you may be aware we have recently been studying ‘Hinckley‘ in Topic lessons.  As part of this we are planning to take the children on a short trip around Hinckley, during which time they will complete a short questionnaire on the local surroundings. The children will go on the trip during the morning and will be back by lunchtime. Each class has been assigned the following day:

3* – ^ February
3* –  ^ February
3* – ^ February

Please ensure that your child wears appropriate footwear and clothing for the walk. As we already have permission for minor out of school trips no other action from you is required.
Many Thanks;
Year Three Staff

For safeguarding reasons:
*deleted class names
^ deleted day and date

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