Wednesday 20 February 2013

Behaviour Support Team

Following the Ofsted Inspection in which behaviour in Year Three was picked up, arrangements were made for a member from the Leicestershire Behaviour Support Team to come in and observe each class and make suggestions for improvement. It was particularly important for this to be done quickly as the BST will soon cease to exist within Leicestershire, meaning the support would no longer be available. 

We were visited by Jodie who observed between ten and thirty minutes in each class and provided feedback over break-time. The meeting was largely positive in that it confirmed what we are already doing was correct and that we just have to keep going! 

The most important points I gained from the meeting were:

  • Positive : Negative ratio should be 7:1
  • Use sand timers to encourage children to work independently/to support behaviour policy.
  • Re-instate a "behaviour wall" with good sitting/listening/looking.
  • Behaviour prompts to be seen/referred to in every classroom children go into (continuity).
  • Class stars to be gained by focusing on a specific goal each week.

One issue with this process was that the expectations from Year Three staff did not necessarily match with what Jodie came in to do. Whilst we were expecting more specific feedback on specific children whereas we were given general suggestions for the class on a whole. On reflection, I find that this can be transferred to teaching in that it is important children know what is expected of them, otherwise their work may not match up to the teachers expectations. 

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