Monday 4 March 2013

SEN and Differentiation Walkthrough

During the last week of half term (Spring A) whole school SEN and Differentiation walk-through's were completed by the SENCO's.

I was observed during Science, during which 6 children were taken out of the lesson by an LSA to do an experiment in the kitchen (as a reward for good behaviour) whilst myself and another LSA supported the remaining children comparing and contrasting different solids and liquids. The children in the Kitchen looked at different materials and their states, and what happened when these were combined to make a "paint". They then used the paint to make pictures and put these in the microwave for 30 seconds - causing the water to evaporate leaving a 'solid' impression of their drawings. Following this, the children wrote a short piece about the experiment in their science books. The idea for this experiment came from the blog "housing a forest". Within the classroom we looked at different solids and liquids and found similarities and differences between them.

Written Feedback:

Jenny Jordan
Science: Liquids and Solids

The children were comparing liquids and solids and their properties.

Children were on the carpet when I arrived. behaviour was fussy, but this ended when they went to thier desks.

Jenny had good visual aids for the topic.

There was some discussion time, then the children were sent back to their desks. Tasks were differentiated. All children were engaged  Children knew what they were doing and could explain their answers. A variety of whole class, group and paired work was used. Talk partners was used.

Jenny recapped the lesson for a child who came in late.

LSA was used to support less able and behaviour.

Jenny used a combination of short bursts of activity  followed by their reviews or mini plenaries on the carpet, which worked well in keeping the children's interest. She referred to previous learning and there were cross curricular links to literacy.

Jenny made use of strategies to control behaviour and was very calm throughout the lesson.


Assessment Grid Photos:

From this, and through verbal feedback I have decided on the following targets:

- To reduce the amount of carpet time.
- Continue to expect high standards of behaviour from the children, as this is continuing to improve.

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