Monday 4 March 2013

Action Plan 2

Over the next five weeks my aims are to:

1. Limit carpet time.
2. Use a ratio of 7:1 positive/negative reinforcement for behaviour, expectations etc.

To do this I will;

1. Keep carpet time to a minimum, avoid over-explaining and let the children "have-a-go". If necessary call children back to carpet during lesson to explain next steps / go over aspects they don't understand. If required, have two "carpet times" one for LA/HA.

2. Continue to use House Points, Class Stars and Role Model tickets, giving extra for polite manners. Spotting specific children when they do something good for them and slowly raise expectations for these children, rather than expecting them to achieve the same as the rest of the class immediately. Pre-empt poor behaviour by giving a positive followed by "it would be even better if...." Use proximal and positive praise over negative comments. Observe other teachers to see how they manage behaviour through verbal and non-verbal signalling.

To review: End of Spring Term (B)

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