Monday 4 March 2013



The School were inspected by Ofsted on 30/31st January this year, and was awarded a "GOOD" overall. This is an improvement on the last inspection when the school was rated "satisfactory". This was the third inspection I have been through having two during my teaching training year on different placements. It was interesting to compare the morale and attitude over the two days and compare it to previous experiences, and to learn more about the new framework. 

Although I had experienced Ofsted before, I felt much more part of the team this time round. The inspection highlighted that especially within year groups we a cohesive, tight-knit team, with everybody looking out for one another and supporting each other through the process. As a school, the inspection was expected (and even overdue) and as such we had been in a state of readiness unlike one of my previous experiences where there was a mad panic to get things ready!

The main findings of the Ofsted report stated:

Good teaching helps all pupils to achieve well in English and mathematics. Progress in the main school for disabled pupils and those who have special educational needs is good because of the extra help they receive in lessons and when taught in small groups. The progress made by pupils who have moderate learning difficulties is outstanding. Teaching is good and improving. This is because leaders give teachers precise feedback after watching them teach, and set demanding targets for improvement that show clearly how they can improve their skills. Behaviour is good. Most pupils show positive attitudes to learning in lessons. Pupils are happy to come to school, as shown by their consistently above-average attendance. They say they feel safe and well looked after in school, and their parents and carers agree.

Link to past and present Ofsted Reports for Westfield Junior School.

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