Friday 24 May 2013

Craft Club (Summer A)

I have started to run a craft club for children in year four and five, which runs on a Wednesday lunchtime. As the club was very popular (26 signed up for 12 places), I have decided to split the club between the two half terms to give everyone who showed an interest a chance.

Interpretations of A Starry Night by Vincent Van Gough

We looked at the picture of a starry Night by Vincent Van Gough. We looked at other artists interpretations and decided what we would like to to do. Then we drew a rough sketch of our own interpretation onto pieces of paper. When the children were happy they then drew this onto boards. Starting with the larger areas they used oil paints to begin their paintings.

This week we finished off our drawings by adding more detail. The children paid particular attention to how they used the paintbrushes to create different effects. Here are some examples of the finished work.

Felt Hearts

This week we started making felt hearts. The instructions suggested using lavender, but as this is not readily available at the moment, we stuffed the hearts with paper tissues sprayed with body spray instead. I was expecting to provide a lot of support, and for this project to take several weeks, but most the girls were very good at sewing, and almost completed their hearts in one session.

This week we finished our hearts and customised them by adding buttons. The girls who finished quickly were then able to help others in the group. 

Silk Painting

This week we started our silk paintings. Instead of hot wax, we used gutta to form a barrier for when we start using dyes. The children made 2-3 each, leaving them in the frames to dry ready for painting next week.

During the last week we painted our silk designs. The colours were very vibrant!

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