Friday 12 April 2013

Lesson Reflections WB 8 April

Wednesday 10 April


We created a "postcard" from the seaside town Mablethorpe, where the majority of children visited last year in year two. We used Microsoft publisher to create Line Guides so each picture would be the same size, and be approxiametly A5 size (we were working on a blank A4 document). We are using this as our front cover for our "Seaside" topic, and will later use it in Literacy when we look at letter writing to write a postcard.

The Behaviour at the computers in the lesson was generally good, with most children concentrating. Children who had finished went and helped those who needed more help. 

What worked really well this week, was putting written instructions up on the board, as this meant if any children forgot, they had a prompt before needing to ask for help. 

We didn't quite finish - and will have to add the title on next week. 
Children not always listening on carpet - continue using positive/proximal praise and role models to encourage better listening.

Thursday 11th April


During Science I first gave the children an opportunity to draw what they thought the human bone structure looked like. This was interesting, as some had a fair idea of what was inside of us, and others had no clue! The children then split into groups and used chalk to trace an outline themselves onto black paper. We then used our hands to find obvious bones in our body (ribs, collar bone, fingers/toes) and draw our skeletons.

Children really engaged with this, and was much better than just looking at books etc. to find the same information. It made the children really think about the shape and size of the bones.

Children were a bit fussy, which meant they lost 5 minutes break finishing off the skeletons.

Physical Education

I taught using plans given by the P.E. Coordinator. This Outdoor Activity was based around trust. I set up several obstacle courses and the children took turns going through the obstacles in pairs. One person had thier eyes close, the other using their voice to guide their partner over the obstacles.

The children seemed to really enjoy the activity. I had purposely paired some children together who struggle to get along, so enforcing good team work between the pairs. The children learnt how difficult it can be to fully place trust in another person, and the responsibility that then gave the other person!

It was a relatively cold day, but we still went outside. Several children got quite cold as they hadn't worn jumpers. Although they need to learn to be more prepared and think ahead (as I had advised when they were getting changed), I could have included some more active parts to the lesson, breaking up the slower "blindfolded" activities.

Story cubes, increased imagination, and interest - focused them on work.

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