Monday 17 June 2013

Formal Lesson Observation Three - Thursday 14 June

Formal Lesson Observation Three - Science (Habitats) - Alive, Once Alive, Not Alive

Copy of my planning:

My Comments:

I actually really enjoyed teaching this lesson! It was really active, the kids enjoyed it but most importantly they learnt a lot from it. We started with some serious misconceptions some of which I had considered and some which I hadn't. Whilst I was expecting some children to assume rivers/fires were alive I did not expect almost my entire class to think that trees were not alive (or any plant for that matter!). However, this led to some really good talk partner conversations about the seven things all living things have in common such as figuring out how trees move and "eat"! Working outside to find examples for the three categories (alive, once alive, not alive) I overheard some excellent use of vocabulary and their learning was evident in the ideas they bought back into the classroom. 

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