Monday 17 June 2013

Current Educational Issues - "Troops to Teachers"

" The Troops to Teachers scheme will help "highly skilled" former military personnel become teachers within two years. "

I think this is a very interesting educational issue. During my interview for a place on the Leicester PGCE I was asked how teaching a class was like leading a squadron (after being involved with the Air Training Corp, the Royal Canadian Air Cadets, and the University Air Squadron). Here are some quick points:
Both are like a big family, in which you hold a large chunk of responsibility. 

  • In teaching you are responsible for the beginning of a child's education which could make or break their future careers. In the military you may be responsible for ensuring your troops get the correct training (which could make or break an operation, and even their lives.)
  • You will be a role model in either job, expected to uphold the same standards you expect from either your children or your men/women. 
  • You will be expected to fix their problems. Children will fall out with each other, so will grown adults (and you will be surprised how similar the reasons can be!).  You will have to deal with their fears and insecurities with understanding and caring. 
  • Behaviour Management is essential in both - you need to be able to gain respect by maintaining a firm but fair attitude to discipline. 

On the downside there is the consideration of the psychological damage a solider may of suffered and if it is wise to bring these into teaching. Bringing individuals who have been trained to kill, and who may suffer from things like PTSD could potentially be seen as a significant risk. On the other hand, maybe they are exactly what many young boys need. Someone who has really "done" the games they play each week, who can share some of their own experiences and raise children's aspirations

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