Thursday 6 June 2013

NQT's Getting Behaviour Right

NQT's Getting Behaviour Right - A course by the NUT

I spent two days at Stoke Rochford Hall with around sixty other NQT's (both primary and secondary) to attend seminars on Behaviour Management. The venue was excellent and the course gave me an opportunity to meet other NQT's to discuss or ideas and problems. I found it good to  really realise I wasn't alone in my experience and that what we are already doing within the class was what was suggested the majority of the time. 

At the end of the two days we had to write a "memo to me" which was then posted out to us to remind us of what we learnt during the two days, and what we planned to implement in our classes. 

1. The Power Stance: By standing like this for one to two minutes a day increases hormones in our body that give us confidence - allowing us to be more confident in our classes! The speaker even suggested that during a tough day we could do the "power stance" during break time in the toilets! 

2. Using "I need you to" at the beginning of an instruction rather than "you need to" as it puts emphasis on you as a teacher rather than them.


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