Friday 26 April 2013

Reflection 2

This half term I have found it very difficult to teach a sequence of lessons, or indeed have much consistency on the Thursday / Friday. This was largely due to the large amount of trips, off-timetable days and special events which meant that we were either not in class or I didn't have any adult support with me during lessons. However, this has caused me to really hone my Behaviour Management skills, using a variety of techniques each lesson for different children. I feel I have now built up a good rapport with all of the children in the class, which makes it easier to personalise learning for each child and to know which behaviour strategies to use when.

I have also introduced a "role model" reward system to use as a whole class behaviour strategy. Each time a child is acting like a role model (sitting quietly, getting on with work) they get a ticket in the bucket. At the end of the day we have a lucky draw and the winner gets to choose a small prize. Then at the end of the week the child (or children) with the most tickets gets another prize. This method works well as proximal praise as well as rewarding the children who are consistently good in class and are not always recognised.

This term has also allowed me to develop a relationship with many of the children's parents, speaking to several on a weekly basis talking mainly about their child's behaviour or any particular concerns. I also make a point of recognising a child's success when they have tried hard or had a good day. There have also been a number of safeguarding concerns raised over children within my class and have worked closely with my job share and the SDP when these concerns have escalated. 

Next term I would like to improve my own practice further by observing other teachers in order to regularly teach "good" lessons and become increasingly confident in my own ability.

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