Friday 22 November 2013

Parent's Evening

Held a parent's evening which focused on how each child had settled in to school and to give my baseline results for each child. For some children, we discussed extra measures we were doing in school to help support learning (for SEN and G&T) and how we could use what they do at home in school and vice versa. It was good it meet all the parents, and to begin to build a rapport with each of them. In contrast to Westfield it was a much shorter affair, as I only had my class (which is small!) to talk about whereas in Westfield each parent had two appointments: one for maths (as we had set for maths) and one for everything else. In addition, our Autumn Term parent's evening was more a chance to let the parent's know how the child had settled in rather than how they were doing academically - which helped to keep things brief. I also arranged to meet with other parents who couldn't make the designated slots at a more suitable time. We will hold another Parents Evening in the Spring Term and again in the Summer.

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